A downloadable asset pack for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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What is this?

This framework includes everything you need to start making a Hypercard game in Ren'Py. Included is:

  • Custom code for the Main Menu, Save/Load, Preferences, ADV-mode, and more
  • Images for the UI, a Photoshop template to create your own background images, and an icon set
  • Classic Apple typeface Chicago
  • Mac System 7 sounds

You do not need to know any coding to get started and everything is completely customizable to your needs, but if you're new to Ren'Py check out the Quickstart Guide.

Want to use original Hypercard icons, graphics, and clipart? Check out the Hypercard Graphics Pack!

What is Hypercard?

Hypercard was an application platform and programming tool originally created by Bill Atkinson for Apple in 1987. It featured database capabilities, a modifiable GUI, and an easy to learn scripting language called Hypertalk. Hypercard was wildly successful and was used for a range of purposes, especially graphical adventure games, and popularized hypertext and hypermedia. Hypercard was discontinued by Apple in 2004 and is no longer supported on current Mac operating systems.

Learn more about Hypercard here

Learn more about running Hypercard today here

What is Ren'Py?

Ren'Py is a visual novel engine that enables you to creative interactive stories. It runs on a Python based scripting language that can be further extended with Python. It is free, open source, and cross platform (including mobile).

Learn more about Ren'Py here


If you have any problems, questions, or if you want to request more features please let me know on Twitter @egardepe.

I'd like to give a special thanks to Tom and the Ren'Py community for making this all possible.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Renpy Hypercard Framework 1.2 MB